فارسی عربي

Afghan girls win scholarships to Iranian university

Tehran-based Al-Zahra University grants scholarships to 50 graduates of Sayed Al-Shuhada Girls’ High School in Kabul, which was targeted by a terrorist bomb attack.

Tehran-based Al-Zahra University has provided scholarships for 50 graduates of an Afghan girls’ high school, which was targeted by a terrorist bomb attack on May 9.

Following the explosion of Sayed Al-Shuhada Girls’ High School in Kabul, Al-Zahra University’s board members approved a plan to support the humanitarian move of providing education for talented and influential women and promoting the status of women in Afghanistan.   

Called ‘Scholarship for Erudite Women’, a total of  25 scholarships were allocated to girls graduating from Sayed Al-Shuhada High School in all fields covered by Al-Zahra University; and five other special scholarships, named ‘Maryam Mirzakhani Scholarship’ after the late Iranian mathematician, were also granted to applicants to study mathematics.

The board also announced that the Iranian ministry of Science, Research and Technology had offered 25 scholarships to Al-Zahra University with the aim of cooperating in the humanitarian plan.

 At least 55 people, mostly young schoolgirls, have been killed and more than 150 more injured after a car bomb and mortars exploded near a girls' school west of the capital Kabul.

